From restless to rested


Sleep is the backbone of your recovery, overall health and well-being. But like you, we needed a better sleep aid – so, we created one. Zen is our comprehensive nighttime formula, made so you can put an end to sleepless nights and get back to feeling rested and ready to own your day.


    10/24/21 — Podcast

    Sleep: The Foundation of Health
    <iframe allow=”autoplay *; encrypted-media *; fullscreen *” frameborder=”0″ height=”175″ style=”width:100%;max-width:660px;overflow:hidden;background:transparent;” sandbox=”allow-forms allow-popups allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-storage-access-by-user-activation allow-top-navigation-by-user-activation” src=”″></iframe> Being a healthy individual goes way beyond eating nutritious foods and exercising...
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Blogs & Articles

    6/10/21 — Education

    Sleep: What It Really Means To Be Well-Rested
    Sleep quality and quantity; the determinant of health. One out of every three people in the United States is not getting enough sleep. That’s a staggering statistic with a...
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    8/5/20 — Wellness

    CBD for Better Sleep: Add CURED Zen to Your Nighttime Routine
    People use CBD (Cannabidiol) for many reasons. One of them is making waves for those who suffer from restless nights, ultimately impacting one’s sleep cycle and sleep scores. Have...
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    1/9/20 — Wellness

    How To Reboot Your Natural Sleep Cycle
    There’s a reason we tend to feel sleepy around the same time each night — and why, if we don’t set an alarm, we tend to wake up around...
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    2/25/20 — Education

    A first-timers guide to better sleep, less stress and quicker recovery with hemp
    So, you’ve finally decided to enter the world of CBD, but have no idea where to start. Your sleep is wack, your stress level is atrocious, and you’ve been...
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