5/13/19 | Podcast

CC 015 – The CBD Self-Study with Chase Chewning

Cured Collective Podcast with Chase Chewning

As its popularity rises, many CBD users have shared profound personal benefits. Using it as a natural sleep aid, anxiety relief, and chronic pain management are just a few of the growing anecdotal claims of this natural supplement. Chase Chewning, a serial entrepreneur and host of the Ever Forward Radio podcast, has spent nearly a decade in the health and wellness industry. Only up until recently had he experienced a self-study with such amazing benefits and zero side effects as daily CBD usage.

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Follow Chase: @chase_chewning
Follow Joe: @josephsheehey

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Full Transcript

Joe: [00:00] So, we were talking about what we wanted to do with this podcast… and you brought up a really good point. First of all, I’m sitting here with Chase.

Chase: [00:12] ‘Sup everybody.

Joe: [00:14] Who has been a huge help with just the production of this podcast and creation of this podcast.

Chase: [00:20] Thank you, man.

Joe: [00:22] Also a great representative and kind of marker for what people know about CBD; and talking to your community and seeing the responses that you’re getting… and the questions that you’re getting and seeing how many people still haven’t used it… really sparked the need to put more and more information out there. As we’ve seen through the release of this podcast, we’ve seen pretty good downloads through the educational topic podcasts. So, just wanted to dive into those more and more. I think a really good place to start, while we’re sitting here in ATX getting ready for Paleo, is to educate the listeners and start with your experience. You started taking CBD, you said, back in October, November?

Chase: [01:14] It’s been about 7 months. Yeah, mid-October, I think.

Joe: [01:20] And what was like, your education… or understanding on it?

Chase: [01:26] Honestly, none. I would say very, very, very low level. Before we dive in, I’ll give you credit and everything you guys are doing at Cured, this I think is a true testament to any brand, any product, any service, any company who leads with I want to educate and empower my audience, my current clientele, my future clientele, I think is a big indicator of a quality person, a quality brand, and I also believe it’s way more perennial for your business because instead of just latching on to something that’s hot and trending right now, it’s a wait a minute, yes there’s something good here, but I get it and maybe not everybody else does. Or I want to further educate myself and also further educate my audience, which I think is… you guys do such a great job of.

Joe: [02:13] Yeah, I appreciate that. The three letters CBD sell – sell really well right now, and that’s great because it’s helping a lot of people; but… that’s not what Cured is here for. We’re here for the long run. We’re here to just help people.

Chase: [02:30] Absolutely.

Joe: [02:31] Leading with that education is extremely important and… I think there’s a lot we can talk on the backend of that is, just as far quality goes, but then upfront – getting to those quality questions are things that I think about all the time because I think about compliance, I think about where our product is coming from, where all the testing, all the processing that it goes through, and the clients don’t even think about that until they get into using a product. They’re just, right now, really trying to understand how do I use it and why do I use it? So, you said you had…

Chase: [03:02] Yeah, and that’s where I really started. How do I use it, why do I use it. It was something that was on my radar being in the health and wellness field, I think anyone who is good at what they do, good in any industry, especially mine, yours, is you always have to… well, for some certifications, you have to continue your education, but I think you should always try to anyway. I always try to be learning and reading about and watching, and consuming things that are, you know, supplements, latest nutrition trends, all of these things that we study anecdotally or clinically, and it’s out there – whether it’s good, bad, ugly, or different. It’s out there and people are going to use it and therefore have questions about it or questions about how to use it. And it was something that was on my radar… maybe a year? I think I told you, you were one of the first companies that I heard of, or maybe it was just kind of awareness theory around the same time I began to hear about CBD oil, CBD anything, was the Arnold Expo 2018.

Joe: [04:09] 2018. Yeah, man, it was super interesting because the first expo that we ever hit was LA Fit 2018. There and three months later hitting the Arnold.

Chase: [04:23] You guys did that again this year too, right?

Joe: [04:24] Yeah. We had to EDUCATE. We were telling people what CBD was. Now if you look at the industry now, the lay of the land, it’s… it’s getting SO saturated and there’s so many companies coming in, but there’s still so many people that are uneducated. We’ve seen a massive change in the response from at the Arnold from one year to the next. But there’s still a lot of education that needs to be done.

Chase: [04:51] I think that’s what people have really latched on to is – at especially those expos and events – one year they’re here, the next year they’re not, so I think the people that ARE coming back or in an industry that offers a unique product or unique service like yours, the smart consumer is going to be a questionable consumer. I think with something like CBD there are a lot of questions around it, like: A.) What is it? Why should I use it? What’s the best application for it? Is it safe? Is it studied? And that’s really where I was. So, hearing about Cured, hearing about CBD, part of me was just kind of like – I’ll, totally honest – I’ll admit part of me was just latched on to that old mentality of really fully not understanding, like marijuana, and growing up in a very conservative household. Southern Baptist, so I’m sure you can only imagine… if you look at weed, you’re going to become a crack whore kind of thing. No, maybe not to that extreme, but…

Joe: [05:54] The gateway drug.

Chase: [05:55] Exactly! I never, never even drank a drop of alcohol until I was like 18, 19, already in the military or, I take it back, I did a high school trip to Italy and got hammered off of a bottle of wine. I was like 15. Wow, that was a story that popped up in my head. But, I never tried marijuana, no illicit drugs, nothing like that. Actually, the first time I EVER tried any substance like that… wasn’t just a few years ago; my first time ever USING marijuana, using anything like that, for a recreational purpose – definitely had gotten into like, a medical application or wellness application; so a lot of my mentality around it was like, it’s bad, old mentality, old upbringings, it’s bad or it’s a slippery slope kind of thing. And I realized I wasn’t really allowing myself the opportunity – like so many other things in my life – allowing myself the opportunity to really CHALLENGE that thought process. To really challenge – do I just believe this because this is how I was brought up, or so many other people around me. Like that’s how I was kind of conditioned. Not saying it’s good or bad, but just it is what it is. So, that was a big red flag for me to really pay more attention to it because I wanted to challenge my understanding, my belief system around it, and really know for sure, for me, is it good, is it bad, if it helpful, is it for me, especially being in the industry, people are coming to me with questions and asking about it, so I want to be a good resource for them. Then, of course, awareness theory and FOMO – well, hell, it’s on the internet all the time, I see all my other friend are using it, or working with Cured and other CBD products – and I respect them and they’re intelligent people, I trust their belief system, so I don’t believe that they would just latch on to this product or other company just promote it for no reason. So, it got on my radar and then, honestly after meeting you last summer, in July, getting to know you more, and just reconnecting one more after that, you were just like dude, let me just send you some stuff and I was like, yeah, I’ve never tried CBD. So a couple of days later, got a little Cured sample starter pack in the mail and I was like, alright, let me try it; give it a whirl. I believe and I know all the science I’ve ever studied is you need your body to kind of be exposed to something like, any new, especially any nutritional routine, if you’re adding or removing something – MINIMUM 2 weeks, ideal world, I’d say 30 days.

Joe: [08:35] You’re ahead of 99% of-

Chase: [08:38] I went to college

Joe: [08:39] -the consumers. But that’s the thing is… we’ll dive into this more and more – there are some things that you notice instantaneously, but the big thing – the anti-inflammatory properties – is you have to build those therapeutic levels in your system, and a lot of people, if they don’t notice the instantaneous effects they’re like I didn’t feel anything.

Chase: [09:00] It was a waste of my money, or it’s not real.

Joe: [09:03] It’s very important to touch on the point that you just brought up is… like anything, it takes time and like anything, which I don’t think is talked about very much, but every single supplement out there, every single vitamin, every single mineral, we all have different levels in our systems, and we all have a certain amount that we need to take, or take away, or whatever, to find that saturation or homeostasis point. That’s the same thing with CBD and any cannabinoid. So, the great point that you bring up right away is, it is something that you need to test for a while. For sure.

Chase: [09:45] I mean, ANYTHING. If you’re going to be doing a simple food allergy test or food sensitivity test, or maybe you’re trying to latch on to the latest diet trend, it’s like don’t eat 5mm green grapes or dairy for 3 weeks, you’re not going to know the difference until you give yourself and your body adequate time. We’ll make sure to include this in the show notes and all that stuff, but maybe someone who doesn’t know me, my background – my undergraduate is in exercise science. I went to grad school for health promotion. Both degrees was on nutrition. I am a certified health coach; I’ve done the personal trainer like, you name any fitness, nutrition, exercise physiology, health coach job, I’ve done it. For corporate wellness, for myself, for… I worked in the medical model for years. I like to think these… all my degrees and certifications and experience, I feel like I’m a well-qualified resource on this stuff. Just so if anybody wants to know who the hell is this guy talking about.

Joe: [10:46] We found this guy! He’s good with audio.

Chase: [10:49] This guy outside of my Airbnb in Austin was adjusting the knobs on my recorder and was like, you know what? I’m going to interview you!

Joe: [10:54] I need somebody to answer these questions for my customers.

Chase: [10:59] So I feel like my training and formal education and personal experience… I believe makes me a pretty qualified resource; at least makes me a curious resource.

Joe: [11:09] Exactly, like able to pick up on changes… just for yourself. Okay, I’m going to try this and I can, oh I notice this, I’m recovering quicker. I’ve spent a lot of time manipulating my food, nutrition, supplements, so I know how long it usually takes me to recover. So like, you can pick up on those things.

Chase: [11:26] Yeah. The clinical and professional education side of things, but also anecdotal. I believe – and anything that I look at or apply – I think I’m maybe different from general people who maybe who haven’t gone to the same school or studied the same things, I can look at the science of things and understand it in a way like, alright, this is the source, this is the claim, this is the hypothesis, this is when it’s introduced into the body, these are some things that happened… like physiologically, biochemically, I can understand a decent amount, I would say. But then anecdotally, I’m someone who is also always been active my entire life, played sports, active duty army for six years, have gone through a serious string of injuries, done bodyweight training, bodybuilding, powerlifting, everything except for CrossFit maybe for like a day. Understanding the science of it, but then anecdotally someone who is very active and has experienced stress on the body, physical and mental… and the physical and mental stuff I’m sure we’ll definitely get into… so, again, a very curious person on both sides of that coin. So, I got the sample pack. I started off, I think, with the mint, just because, like I was telling you earlier, anything mint I’m sold on… so the mint and then the seasonings, because I love to cook. I’m the cook in my family. So, the mint tasted good, so I was alright, that’s always a plus sign. Any new supplement, no matter what, usually the taste is going to need to be the most important thing.

Joe: [13:04] Remember the days when every single supplement just tasted like shit?

Chase: [13:07] Oh, it was like they took metal beakers and shaved it in with maybe a drop of cocoa powder.

Joe: [13:13] Metal beakers – that’s a really good…

Chase: [13:15] it was like it just had this metallic overtaste.

Joe: [13:18] It tastes like a machine.

Chase: [13:19] Exactly! It’s like they just ground up old Matrix people. As they no longer served the purpose of the program, they were ground up into protein powder.

Joe: [13:31] Yeah! So taste, absolutely.

Chase: [13:33] It always has to be if you want someone who maybe just doesn’t like, I know how good this is for me so no matter how it tastes, I’m going to consume it because I like the benefits it yields me, which I think is a very, very small part of the population. So, taste was there. The mint tasted good. The seasonings were great. Now I put them on all my vegetables, most of my meats, and then cinnamon and honey, like you have sweet and savory. Put them in my coffee, my bagels, peanut butter, everything.

Joe: [13:59] You know what’s interesting is those seasonings were created for you because you were the kind of skeptical… not skeptical, but the person that was looking at, is it marijuana, and the whole reason that I created those was like, this is a very approachable thing that people are just going to put on their food and they’re not going to know any different; they’re going to open it up, it looks like a seasoning, tastes like a seasoning, the effects that you get are not as instantaneous when you’re using the seasonings because they’re very low dosages, so that’s an over time type thing.

Chase: [14:30] It’s the slow drip.

Joe: [14:31] Yep. It was very, very like, an entry level product. The sales of those, right now it’s one of our lowest selling products, but it’s a great entry. Actually, if you look at all of the spices – the cinnamon honey, we sell the shit out of that.

Chase: [14:50] It’s the best.

Joe: [14:51] Yeah. It is. It really is. We can dive into, just dive into some uses you found for that.

Chase: [14:59] Yeah, right off the bat, the oil is very straight forward, just put it sublingual. At that time, and I still am, always primarily, my number one focus is always sleep health, because then after that everything falls to shit, or not. I would use it primarily in the evening as part of my bedtime ritual. That was straight forward, just put it under your tongue and see what happens. Then, the spices, I began, I think, first with the vegetables; I would put the garlic and lemon pepper on vegetables. It goes great on anything green, anything cruciferous; potatoes – boil, smash ‘em… boil ‘em, smash ‘em, put them in a stew. What is that, the Hobbit or something? Sidetracked.

Joe: [15:38] Keep going.

Chase: [15:40] So, it had obvious applications. Things that I was already doing, which again, we know, in really any of the products or service industry, if we want people to do something different or to do something entirely new, we need to have a low barrier of entry. Something like, maybe just part or in a small way…

Joe: [15:57] And that’s why it was perfect for our world, the health and fitness industry, everybody likes to eat healthy.

Chase: [16:05] A lot of people do meal prep and want to be in control of their calories, which I think is great. Hell, I use spices, I use seasoning, I’ll try this. I mean, it tastes great, it’s amazing, so there was no, really at all barrier to entry into my routine. Also, again, just a curious person, wanted to try it out. Pretty much for me, I would say, first couple of days, noticeable ease into sleep; and I’m already a person who like, an hour to two, I’m cutting off the screens; I’m already keeping it pretty dark; I fight my wife on the thermostat, I’m always trying to get it colder and darker, sleep mask and I’ve got lavender essential oil. Maybe I’m like the hype beast when it comes to sleep health, but I value it so much.

Joe: [16:49] As you should.

Chase: [16:50] And when I don’t get the quality sleep, like I said, the rest of my life and work and emotions, emotional state, just goes to shit. So I always to try – shout out Shawn Stevenson – stack the conditions in my favor when it comes to sleep. Even with all the other things I was doing I was noticing an optimization and improvement in that. And it wasn’t so much that CBD oil, and maybe if it was another component, like maybe I cooked with the spices and then an hour or so later used the oil, I could notice it. Even with everything else I was doing, it wasn’t so much that it made me like oh my God, I’m so tired, I’m just going to pass out standing up; it was just, calm.

Joe: [17:32] Yeah. That’s something that people ask a lot is like… oh, one of the benefits that you get is sleep. It’s like, yes, you get that, but you get that because you calm down; you calm the mind, you calm the body, then you can relax better, then you can fall asleep. Some people don’t understand that, like, can I take it during the middle of the day; can I take oils in the middle of the day; can I take it in the morning; is it going to make me fall asleep in the middle of the day.

Chase: [17:57] Which was a big barrier for me for a long time, for months. I never started taking it during the day.

Joe: [18:02] Oh, really?

Chase: [18:03] Yeah.

Joe: [18:04] So that’s one thing to note is CBD, the cannabinoid extract in our products, is… it’s not sedating; it’s just calming. There’s a big difference.

Chase: [18:16] It’s not like a sleep pill. It’s not going to like, knock you out.

Joe: [18:20] So the cannabinoid that actually is really good for sleep is CBN, which we’re doing a lot of testing with and studying on.

Chase: [18:27] Sign me up to be a guinea pig.

Joe: [18:29] Yeah! Like that’s the whole thing is… so, we’re talking heavily about CBD here, but Cured, we’re interested in all the cannabinoids, and we’ll talk about that as a full spectrum product.

Chase: [18:42] I didn’t even know there was more; I thought it was just a CBD. I didn’t know there were CBNs and Js.

Joe: [18:48] Yeah, there’s almost – so there’s over 80 identified cannabinoids. And in the full spectrum oil, that contains all the cannabinoids of the hemp plant. Now, CBD is the most prominent cannabinoid in that solution; then there’s a little bit of THC; there’s a little bit of CBGs; CBN. CBG has been studied for…

Chase: [19:12] You guys got any heebie-jeebies in there?

Joe: [19:15] CBGeebies. CBG has been studied for gut health and as a vasodilator, which is really interesting, so there’s a lot of promise there. CBN is great for sleep. Some of the other cannabinoids are great… for immune support, antioxidants, and… all the cannabinoids have medicinal benefits and for people to understand when they’re picking a product, we have the full spectrum products, and then we have the straight CBD/THC free products. There’s only CBD in those mint products; there’s only CBD in the spices; but in any product that says full spectrum or broad spectrum, that means it has more than just CBD in it. It has other cannabinoids in it, in very low concentrations because the two cannabinoids that are found most abundantly in the cannabis plant are THC and CBD. THC being the psychoactive one that gets you high; CBD is that one that’s non-intoxicating. It is psychoactive, but it’s non-intoxicating, so it doesn’t get you high, basically.

Chase: [20:23] Again, that’s awesome. This is something that somebody in your business should know. You should be able to break down a metanalysis for me on a peer-reviewed case study like that if you’re going to try to sell me something like this, I believe. And again, I sort of-kind of knew that stuff and that’s why I was like hey, just start me off on a low dose; I just want to… again, a little bit of the hesitation from my upbringing and misinformation, misunderstanding of it, saying I don’t want to get high, I don’t want these things. So I started off with the mint and just wanted to start small and ease my way into it. Now, I still use the mint for the micro-dosing, more strategic throughout the day – we’ll talk about soon – but really, the GOAT for me is that full spectrum. Even with all the other things in my sleep health and my routine, I was noticing a change. Then it really became a part of my staple. I use it every night. My wife loves the taste, I love the spices, and then we met a mutual friend, Alex, talked to me about adding it to his coffee, and I was like, oh, you just blew my mind dude. I was already putting it on, really, everything. The spices are so universal. I’m a big bagel fan and I was eating a lot of these Ezekiel cinnamon-raisin English muffins – I went through like a binge phase with those – I was hooked on them. Putting peanut butter, and I normally put a little bit of honey, but I put that cinnamon honey seasoning on it. It’s crack. It’s amazing.

Joe: [21:48] That’s no joke.

Chase: [21:49] And then he told me about putting it in his coffee and literally, the possibilities are endless. Whether you want sweet or savory, you can add a little something on top. It’s just a great way to… honestly, it made me a little more adherent to my eating habits. I sound like a lame guy here, but I would get so excited eating this, this taste is so good, it would make me want to stay home or eat something at home or cook something or prepare something a little bit more within my control. I like to be monitoring my nutrition. I don’t really adhere to one particular diet, but I like to just, you know, more quality.

Joe: [22:29] Unless Baked Bear’s right there.

Chase: [22:32] To what part of secret didn’t you understand? Yeah, shout out Baked Bear. That’s insane. God, it’s so good. We demolished some of that today. But it would make me excited to remember, like oh yeah, I just got more in, or oh yeah, that was so good yesterday, I’m going to do it again. So, in a way, if you’re someone listening who maybe you struggle with staying adherent to a nutrition plan; maybe you’re on a cut; maybe you’re trying to gain weight, lose weight, whatever; a lot of the struggles we know in that field can be being adherent to nutrition because like, oh, I don’t have the time, or I don’t want to cook, or everything tastes the same; I have to eat all the same things all the time. So, what we need to do, we need to break that habit. We need a pattern disruption. And what a great way, when you actually look forward to the things you’re going to eat, or the things you’re going to even prepare, because it’s like a little salt bae; it’s fun.

Joe: [22:23] It is!

Chase: [23:23] You can control it. You can have fun preparing your food.

Joe: [23:26] That’s the whole premise behind Cured and as we can talk about all the products, but what was really the whole goal is to create products that you can use at any time of the day and at any place. If you’re at home cooking, you can use the spices; if you’re on the go, there’s a peanut butter cookie dough squeeze packet that’s basically like just a protein bar, but it’s not baked. It’s basically a raw product based with a nut butter, so that’s for on the go. We’ve got products that are great for focus, products that are great for sleep. All these contain cannabinoids in them and then other additional things, but things that are good to – all things that are going to benefit your overall health and wellness program.

Chase: [24:10] Yeah, and that’s why I like how you guys lead, like we are an initiative; we are a wellness company; we are a wellness initiative; and we just so happen to specialize in this one product. You’re starting with your why from the very beginning, which is great.

Joe: [24:26] Yeah, it’s been interesting, and I think that’s been very important for the evolution of Cured and then just staying relevant. You know?

Chase: [24:33] Yeah.

Joe: [24:34] Because… when the company was created, it was like – I had to teach… all I was doing was educating, was teaching people – no, it’s safe; no, it’s this, no it’s that. I was spending so much time on just teaching people what it was and explaining that it’s safe; that like… focusing on other types of marketing and accounting, and everything of running a business; parts that were very important too, but there’s a lot of explaining to people that this is something that’s really safe.

Chase: [25:05] Safe is the keyword there. Also, for me, that was something on my radar – again, my misinformation, my miseducation, my lack of education, really, was I didn’t want to – I wasn’t interested in starting CBD because I made the false assumption that I’m just going to be, you know, mildly high all day, or I have this non-desire to a hallucinogenic or high sensation or feeling. And I was just, I’m wrong. Flat out was wrong. I think, yes there are certain things out there, health foods, illicit drugs, whatever, anything in the world where we all just flat out know, I should not try that. Like, sure one’s bad, I don’t need to try it to know that. But maybe if I’m looking for a different type of apple instead of just Granny Smith, which no one ever should because it’s the best apple ever. You don’t need any other apple. We just know some things require personal experience. You need to experience it, I believe, to formulate a valid opinion.

Joe: [26:04] That’s the thing, and that’s what’s been kind of a repeated statement is, give it a try. Just give it a try. There’s literally nothing that you can lose. You’re not going to get high, you’re not going to be running around the streets with your clothes pulled off…

Chase: [26:19] I’m going streaking through the quad!

Joe: [26:21] Like, what’s the worst thing that happened. Will happen? You might fall asleep, you might be really happy, and you might be nice to somebody.

Chase: [26:28] Here’s the worst thing that’ll happen: you’re going to be so calm and relaxed, you might actually enjoy what you’re doing. Or you might get the best night’s sleep of your life. Or you might have clarity in how your words formulate in your head, much less before they come out of your mouth.

Joe: [26:44] That’s interesting. Let’s talk about the applications because you’ve been, even just today, you’re like, I’ve been playing around with it. So you started off with sleep, adding it to the food, is like very, very micro-dosing, that’s great for anti-inflammatory properties like over time, because you’re going to build up the levels in your system.

Chase: [27:01] I cut you off, but that right there is also very important to me. It was great timing because I was also beginning training for a marathon basically, a 26 mile Ruck march, this military event in the white sands desert in New Mexico. So my training at that time was carrying weight on my back and just walking for 10s of miles… building up to 10s of miles. I knew, again, sleep was going to be very important and I knew I was going to be introducing more stress and more inflammation to my body, and so recovery – recovery training, recovery nutrition, recovery hydration, recovery sleep – was going to be more important to me. So, keyword there, anti-inflammatory, sure.

Joe: [27:38] Yeah, yeah. So you started off… like, you’re talking about what you had going on in your life; you’re improving your sleep, you’re calming down at night; you’re adding it to your food; and now, from what I’ve heard today, been experimenting with playing around with it all day long. You recognize that it’s not sedating, that you can take it at any time. What have you been doing to experiment with that?

Chase: [28:02] True to continuing the self-experiment, the whole n=1 thing, I thought, well if this good for me when I’m trying to go to sleep and it’s not, again, not making me tired, but is making me more relaxed; I’m more calm – I like to say it helps makes me more calm over relaxed. It enables me to become more calm physically and mentally so that I then CAN get relaxed physically and mentally. I believe there’s a little difference there between the two, calm and relaxed. So, I just began to read about it. Again, personal experience yielded a positive result, makes me more interested in this new thing that I’ve been introducing into my life and my diet, so let me go learn more about it. Let me talk with CBD, let me talk more to Joe, let me talk to his team, let me look at their FAQ, let me read more all-in articles, look at case studies. Then I began to read all these other applications or possible applications and experiences and just scrolling social media and looking at how other people are using it; and, again, if it’s on the internet, it can’t be wrong, right? If everyone else is doing it, sign me up!

Joe: [29:11] Yeah. Where else would you get your information?

Chase: [29:13] A case study. 400,000 followers – that’s my case study. That’s my population. So, I was like, yeah cool; this guy’s using it for, you know, just anxiety… again, CBD, anxiety, two search engine things that always would come up. I would think, well, I don’t really think I have anxiety. WRONG. I began to realize as work and life began to progress that I’m just constantly… I’m fidgeting my hands like what do I need to do. My mind is going a million miles an hour and so I was like, alright, maybe I can try it for that. Or some other people are actually using it in the morning; some other people are putting it in their coffee. That’s weird to me. Something at the end of the day I take to help me go to sleep, people are taking it at the BEGINNING of their day to help them start their day. Then on top of that, I see other people putting it in a stimulant, putting it in a caffeinated product, and coffee and other drinks. Well that’s an upper but CBD is like, I’m, air-quote here, downer. It’s a balancing agent… it made me way more curious about other applications. I began to look at alright, my mind is racing, so let me find the other times in my day when my mind is racing the most, when I’m most busy, when I’m most agitated or I just have the most on my plate… let me see if that helps, try that out. Alright, let me try it in the morning with my coffee, that’s kind of my morning routine – wake up, pound some water, pound some super greens powder, and then I enjoy coffee, I like the taste, I like the caffeine, but let me just see what it will do. Then, a big part of my life, also a podcaster and two days of the week, I’m just mostly back-to-back-to-back hours, so I got to be on. My mind’s always racing in between interviews, alright, I gotta lock this up or is my next guest going to be late, or what’s my next question kind of thing, or what did they just say or why is my dog shaking her head. Why does she never move except when I have an interview, then she wants to make all this noise, but I digress. Why are boobs good?

Joe: [31:12] That’s true though. For anybody that doesn’t podcast… podcasting is like public speaking. You’re showing up with somebody that you don’t know most of the time, that you haven’t met before. It’s like, okay, I worked really hard to get this interview, I need to show up; I need to feel… I need to hold the space to curate this conversation and… like, just speaking or going into any… any situation that might bring up nerves or nervousness or any type of angst.

Chase: [31:51] So think of all the people listening, maybe you’re not a podcaster, maybe you’re not self-employed. Alright, then you work for somebody else and therefore, you have duties and responsibilities and obligations; or you have kids, you’re in a marriage, in a relationship; hell, just, you’re a human being. We all have things that like, oh God, every Monday I have this board meeting, or every Friday I have to go see my ex, or every whatever, you have these things, you have LIFE that happens. LIFE. I don’t care what you do for a living. I don’t care what you don’t do for a living. If you’re listening to this, it means you’re alive, which means you have human shit. We all do. So alright, let me just again, here’s what other people are saying, and, again, looking to a lot of the people in the health-wellness-fitness industry, people that I knew, my real friends, my internet friends, colleagues, other health coaches, other personal trainers – I have a lot of people who are, lot of friends of mine who are doctors. So even like them talking about it and like, again, people in my life that I trust their opinion, hearing their applications so that makes me more curious. The other biggest realizations I had were, there were two of them: one, when I’m adding it in, I like – I’m probably going heavy on the cinnamon honey – which, thanks to Ashley for always hooking me up. I’m always like every two weeks, okay, can I get some more cinnamon honey – so probably adding more than a technical dose, but it just tastes so damn good. And also again, experimenting with the dosage and taste also, but mostly dosage – alright, this tastes good, but also let me increase here and see how it works. It blows my mind how I can have this stimulation and the alertness and the awakeness and, you know, let’s be honest, caffeine, the stimulation sometimes even of what it does for me, I enjoy the taste, but I like the benefits, and sometimes I just flat out need it. I need it to wake up. I need some mental alertness. But then the CBD, it was like this perfect yin to the yang; the caffeine – talking about the coffee application – the caffeine would bring me up, I was focused, I was alert. But then the CBD, it would throttle that. Instead of it allowing me to kind of go peaks and valleys, maybe my energy or focus or feeling too balls to the wall, it was bringing me down, so I felt very focused, very clear on my task; I knew what I was doing and I was devoted to that task, and I would say way less like squirrel brain and ADD, not so much. I was like, awesome, I’m more productive, maybe if I get too carried away with the coffee, I don’t get the jitters; it was this amazing yin to the yang. Like I said, it throttled that sensation and keep me at peak performance, peak clarity.

Joe: [34:35] For those that are in tune with what adaptogens are, that’s kind of how CBD is becoming classified. Adaptogens help with your stress response, basically getting yourself back to homeostasis, and that’s essentially what the CBD is doing.

Chase: [34:56] If you’re running hot, it’ll bring you down. And if you’re suppressed, if you’re low on certain things, it’ll raise you back up.

Joe: [35:01] Yeah, it is the perfect ingredient for creating a balanced drink. If it’s a stimulant, bringing you back down; supplement, like our Rise product, which is stimulant free, but it does help you with focus and sometimes – it’s funny because I drink a lot of caffeine, I take a lot of preworkouts, I’ve been used to stimulants my entire life. I take 3 Rise and I feel it; I add a little bit of caffeine and I’m perfect. My business partner, who doesn’t use a lot of caffeine, he’ll take 1 Rise and he feels it all day long. And I’m like, dude I have to take 3 and add in a little caffeine. But the whole point that I’m trying to say is that it’s a very… it helps bring anything back to center, which is exactly what you’re saying with the coffee and adding it to stimulants.

Chase: [35:59] That even goes back to what we were talking about in the beginning of the conversation about anytime you try anything new – yes, we probably know some, I would say, 99% universal truths when it comes to the human biochemistry and if you eat this or consume this, it’s probably going to be the same result, or very similar result to most human beings; but TRUE difference in any nutritional change, any supplemental change, it’s going to have variation in doses and applications. One thing, one pill works for him, three and a boost, and a kicker, works for you. What’s that thing they add to your drink, like the shot on top? Like a margarita and it has like a floater. Like you get a 3 Rise and 151 floater on top, which I would never recommend for anybody.

Joe: [36:50] Don’t go that deep.

Chase: [36:52] And for me… I monitor my caffeine intake and I kind of know what I need or want… 2 Rise work great for me. Which, again, is a whole other wild thing, like how can this thing – it’s caffeine free, it’s stimulant-free, but how can it make me feel so alert and aware and focused, but I’m not caffeinated or I’m not jittery or, a lot of people, caffeine especially, and coffee, energy drinks, your stomach is sensitive so like, how can I be… how can I have the pedal to the metal but without the whole car vibrating at the same time?

Joe: [37:27] Right. And that… part of that is the mushrooms that are in there, and the other nootropics and adaptogens. We’ll probably, in the future, probably just record a whole podcast on those we talked about… we formulated those… yeah, we didn’t really dive too much into the use cases of those. So, something that’s really interesting to me is you posted a poll on your story just recently, and I think you were just asking if people had used CBD or if they hadn’t used CBD. I think I saw 60-70% said that they hadn’t even tried it. I’m curious…

Chase: [38:03] Several thousand people looked at my story. That’s a pretty solid statistic.

Joe: [38:08] That was interesting for… that was interesting to see, and I know that you’ve been getting a decent amount of questions. Are there any other questions that you… are there any questions that you see continually popping up? You had a certain hesitation; I’m curious if that’s what you’re seeing through a lot of other people, or if there’s any other repeated questions, like just simple questions that it’s like, I’ve been in the trenches for two years now, so I’m thinking about… as we started this podcast, the quality control, understanding temperatures we’re doing extractions at and we’re doing formulations at, and how long do we let it cool. I’m thinking like stuff that customers will never care about.

Chase: [38:55] Maybe not. You have one guy take your product like, this was great but I feel like the temperature extraction you did this at was two degrees Celsius too hot. We’ll call him nerd.

Joe: [39:08] But yeah, are you seeing things pop up repeatedly? Is it…

Chase: [39:13] Yeah, a lot of people, like you said, very similar to me in terms of, we… just the source alone is a red flag for a lot of people. But now I know, I’m in the same boat, that that red flag was unwarranted. I would say… just educate yourself. Allow yourself the fair chance to say I understand this product, I understand the source at least, and I understand applications and differences. Even at a bare bones, read one abstract of a PubMed and I feel you should be more educated to make a decision like this.

Joe: [39:47] And the one thing that you brought up that you said you educated… you were able to answer recently was just the difference between hemp and marijuana. I’ve talked about this a little bit, and we’ll dive into it more, but hemp and marijuana are both cannabis; hemp has less than .3% THC; marijuana has greater than .3% THC. You were talking about cannabinoids – THC and CBD are both cannabinoids. THC is what gets you high, it is psychoactive. CBD is not intoxicating, it’s not going to get you high. THC is in very, very low concentrations in the hemp plant, and we extract all of our CBD oil from the hemp plant. So there ARE small traces of THC in it, but what you’re saying is the source; it comes from cannabis. Cannabis – marijuana IS cannabis. Hemp IS also cannabis.

Chase: [40:43] French fries are potatoes, but potatoes are not French fries.

Joe: [40:46] Sweet potato fries?

Chase: [40:48] Ahh, you can to go there. Alright. This guy.

Joe: [40:52] So, that’s where a lot of people get confused in the very beginning is, oh, is that weed? That’s like weed, right?

Chase: [41:02] Exactly. It’s weed water. Like, what, you’re milking marijuana plants? How do you even get this? Again, which is a HUGE prejudice we as human beings have – again, consciously or subconsciously – nature vs. nurture, a lot of times I think we make decisions before we even realize wow, I made a decision. What warranted me, what was the validation point, what research, what experience do I have to go yes or no – oh, that’s right, it’s just because my dad told me this was bad, or I knew someone who didn’t ever leave her hometown, was a college dropout because they were a pothead. Just, a former example, I think sets a lot of tone and precedent for our decision-making, and we don’t really fully realize it. That’s a whole other topic in of itself. That was one of them, just regardless of – insert any other supplement in here – whatever your question is about, just do some due diligence and study it. So, I was getting a lot of that, and a lot of people were in the same boat as me, was oh wow, I had no idea there was a difference, I didn’t know how it was processed, I didn’t know that it wasn’t “bad”, I didn’t know it wasn’t going to get me high. That definitely was and still is a big question I get. Then with my audience, myself, being in the military, a lot of my audience is military, or was, or works for government agencies and things like that, and you’re more frequently going to be taking a urinalysis test. Even a lot of jobs, corporate jobs, you have – maybe they never do it – but when you sign the paperwork, fill out your W-2 and all that stuff, you are going to be subject to a possible random urinalysis and so people are, is it going to effect my livelihood; is it going to get me kicked out of the military; or am I going to lose my job or whatever. Again, the difference between THC-free and 0% THC, the difference between marijuana, the difference between hemp. So that was always a big question of mine and I’ve had people kind of do their own research and send me the military – I forget which branch – but has come out and said we do not allow CBD use or…

Joe: [43:02] I saw that.

Chase: [43:03] Or even if you’re like, a CBD user, you run the risk of pissing hot, like we would say.

Joe: [43:10] Which is true. And we should just dive into that because what we say is that a full spectrum product contains all the cannabinoids of the hemp plant. Hemp contains less than .3% THC – that’s saying that even though it’s .3%, with a zero in front of it, there are trace amounts in it. It’s similar to… if you look at our website, our FAQ section, we compare it to poppy seeds. There have been people, or cases, that have stated that people have failed a test for opiates because they ate a poppy seed bagel.

Chase: [43:52] Like, lemon poppy seed muffin. Did you ever watch Seinfeld, do you know that episode? Elaine you have an opioid addiction!

Joe: [44:03] But it’s true, so that’s the same thing here. It is in trace amounts, so if you’ve sat there and you drank a bottle, or you’re somebody that doesn’t work out a lot, that doesn’t drink a lot of water-

Chase: [44:14] What’s your resting metabolic rate, what’s your energy exertion, your water…

Joe: [44:17] There could be THC in your system, so that’s why we create THC free options. There’s the full spectrum products that have all the cannabinoids; THC-free options are basically options that have taken the extract from the plant and refined it so much that it’s down to CBD in its isolated form. It’s a powder basically and there’s no other cannabinoids in it. When it’s still in oil, a full spectrum oil and then down to a distillate. You basically have this whole plant extract – well, let’s start back even further – you have this plant material, you put it through a CO2 extractor, or an alcohol extraction. Then you get the cannabinoids and terpenes and basically, plant juice in a solution. Then you can take the lipids off of them. When you take the lipids off of that it’s called a winterization process, and then you just have a full spectrum oil.

Chase: [45:16] Oh, you guys are Game of Thrones friendly?

Joe: [45:17] Basically.

Chase: [45:18] Nice, nice. Winter is coming process. I like that.

Joe: [45:21] So, you have that oil – that’s a whole plant extract. It’s the least refined CBD oil. That’s what full spectrum raw oil is. It’s the most holistic approach that you can take to taking a cannabinoid extract. When you refine it, when you get down to CBD or THC-free product, that product has been extremely refined.

Chase: [45:44] That’s obvious, especially between the two different oils, the full spectrum and the mint. The 0% THC versus the THC-free, one is sort of like milky – not as clear and copious – whereas the mint one, for example, is just like white liquid. It’s like a little essential oil, it’s clear.

Joe: [46:03] Yeah, yeah, yeah. And that’s just… part of that color is just coming from the grapeseed oil, which is a carrier oil too. So, when you go through that extraction process, you get a very concentrated substance and to,…if you took – I don’t even know – a 16th of a dropper or a 32nd of a dropper – A drop – with an uncut solution, if it’s not cut with another carrier oil, or diluted is a better way to say it, basically, you’re going to get a lot… you could get 100mg in a drop or 200mg in a drop, where if you look at the bottle, every – a serving size is like 16.7mg of CBD and it depends on what concentration you get. So it might be a full dropper or maybe a half; it might be 2 full droppers. But we put 1 serving size as 16.7mg of CBD. If you had a product that you didn’t put the oil or the concentrate into solution, you could get a very high cannabinoid content in just A drop.

Chase: [47:14] So that can show up on a urinalysis test.

Joe: [47:17] If… and then most likely it’s not going to be low, be below .3% THC. So we have to cut it so the product, the entire product, the entire solution, the concentration of THC in that entire solution is less than .3%. Basically, we cut with MCT oils so the THC content might be a little bit higher, but per the law, it doesn’t leave our facility until it’s below the .3% concentration. The THC, it’s there but we dilute the product with an MCT oil or a carrier oil to make sure that it’s compliant, basically, less than .3%. With the isolate version, which is just the powder, there is no THC in that. I’m telling you, there’s no THC. We test it – the lab comes back 99.9% pure CBD, 0 THC in that product because it is in its isolated form. It’s basically just been really refined. That’s something that people don’t necessarily ask very much. There’s a lot… most companies out there have THC free products that are CBD isolate. Which works, but you have to take a lot higher concentrations. The raw oil, and you even said this yourself, is a lot more effective because it has all the other cannabinoids in it. It has CBG, it has CBN, and then it has the plant terpenes, which are the flavor profiles,that give it its earthy, hempy smell; and those have medicinal benefits in themselves. It’s no different than an essential oil, like a lavender. It’s calming, so you can find pining, which is like a pine-y, basically, taste or smell that is a terpene, and found in our full spectrum products. All the cannabinoids plus all the terpenes work together and create an entourage effect in a full spectrum oil. So you’re getting the full spectrum of beneficial cannabinoids and terpenes from the product. If you’re taking a THC-free product, most likely you’re taking straight CBD isolate, which is a powder that has been extremely refined and allows for it to be THC-free; then it’s put in a carrier oil. And it works, but you have to take a lot higher dosages; and it’s interesting… we firmly believe that the whole industry is just going to full spectrum products because it’s considered a hemp oil extract. That’s what differentiates CBD derived from marijuana or CBD derived from hemp. If it’s in the isolated form, it can come from either one; and that traceability is hard to understand if it’s coming from a marijuana plant or a hemp plant because at the end of the day, you can get down to CBD isolates either way; but if you’re coming from a hemp plant and you just have a full spectrum oil, the THC is going to be very low, whereas if you have a marijuana plant and you have a full spectrum oil, the THC is going to be really high. Both of them can come down to the CBD isolate form, but it takes a lot of refinement. We believe that the best way to take this holistic approach is a full spectrum oil that has all of the natural, earthy, planty terpenes, which all have a medicinal benefit, versus something that is refined all the way down. But they both work really well; you’re going to get more bang for your buck from the full spectrum oil.

Chase: [50:51] I agree, and I would say anyone in the military, or first responder, or in a job where maybe you have a high risk of a urinalysis test, or any form of drug test – if you’re going to be consuming anything like this, probably it would behoove you to focus on just that CBD isolate, not so much the raw spectrum or just… kind of maybe see if you can get in good with your commander about hey, when’s the next piss test or whatever. Know your energy output, know your metabolic rate, water, all that stuff.

Joe: [51:25] I actually got… I was on this New Hope Network that helps put on, or that’s part of the big production for Expo West and East, and does a lot of educational stuff. New Hope Network put on a seminar when I was first starting Cured that was talking about saying hey, if you have questions, buy it, because you can buy it, take it in to your employer, show them, hey this is what I’m taking, what do you think.

Chase: [51:56] Yeah.

Joe: [51:57] Like, I legally bought this and if we can look at the 2018 Farming Bill, it says that cannabinoid extracts, specifically CBD, IF from the hemp plant – if and only if – and you have that traceability back to the registration, all the way, basically, back to the chain of command of where this product came from, that traceability; if it comes from the hemp plant, in December of 2018, Trump signed into effect the 2018 Farming Act that says that CBD, if derived from hemp, with all those stipulations – if it’s done per local and municipal regulations – if it’s done correctly, it’s legal at the federal level. Now, state to state, there are different laws, so we have been seeing different things happen from state to state because different states have different rules. But at the federal level, that’s what the 2018 Farming Bill did. If we’re in places like California and Colorado, people understand it a lot more, it’s a lot more widely accepted. We as Cured, we ship our products nationwide, doesn’t matter where you are. You do need to understand your local regulations, but that’s what the law says in 2018.

Chase: [53:19] Yeah, just like we’re talking about with this product, with anything you’re going to add, subtract, multiple, divide into your life and into your diet, also in your job and your career, do your homework, do your due diligence. That was definitely another big area, and continues to be another big area of questions – hey, is this going to get me high? Is this good? Is this bad? Also, will it show up on a urinalysis test? Then, really lastly, the applications. I don’t really need help getting to sleep. I see that really helps you, but what else can I use this for? And that’s where really having the variety and the oil, the full spectrum raw or the CBD, or now like the capsules, or the Rise or the Zen, it allows you to kind of have that control over, not even just when, but how. So, alright, now I kind of now how I react to this dosage or this product; let me try half a dose of this, or two doses of that.

Joe: [54:17] Which you can do because it’s extremely safe. You can’t overdose on it. I’ve had my dog drink an entire bottle and he slept for most of the day, but that’s it.

Chase: [54:30] Now that you put that out there, it’s only a matter of time before my dog gets into it. She ate… with her teeth and paws – maybe she has secret opposing thumbs that I don’t know about – but got into a prescription bottle of my wife’s a couple of years ago, we weren’t even married yet. It was a thyroid medication. At the dose she took, is LETHAL for human beings. We freaked out, took her to the emergency vet hospital; they’re like, we monitored her, we checked her, she doesn’t need to purge. I think she’s fine. It’s a twelve pound dog! How is this lethal if I take it, but she’s fine? I feel like if she ever did, like if I left a bottle of CBD oil or hemp oil, I feel like if she pounded it, it wouldn’t phase her.

Joe: [55:19] It’s good that we’re talking about dogs though, because the same way that it works for humans is the same way it works for dogs. It is very calming; if your dog has any sort of separation anxiety or scared of fireworks.

Chase: [55:30] Or if you’re going to travel with them.

Joe: [55:31] Yeah. You’re going to travel with them; or they’re old. If they’re old and they have hip problems and they’re at that point in their life where they have a lot of discomfort, CBD is going to help reduce inflammation and therefore, reduce any pain that you may have. Just like it works for humans, it works just as well – if not better- for dogs. We’ve seen a lot of great benefits from that and we actually have products, CBD products, that are dog treats. If they don’t want the oil just in their mouth or just in oil.

Chase: [56:02] Honestly, I want to try those treats because every time I open up the bag to give one to Nella, they smell like ginger snaps, and I fucking love ginger snaps.

Joe: [56:13] We eat them all the time. They’re super simple. It’s like oat bran, molasses, coconut oil, and hemp extract. All organic ingredients, which is another thing… what we do at Cured, everything is 100% cultivated with organic practices. The actual certifications in the hemp industry are still rolling out because it is a very new industry. USDA is still trying to figure out how to certify it, but we insure that all of our farming practices, and the farming practices of the partner farms that we have, which are very important as well, and we talk about that in one of our previous podcasts with Steven from Shi Farms. They practice sustainable and organic practices that are going to bring the most high quality and pure and safe product to the consumer’s hand. That’s something that… that’s something that needs to be evaluated in just the FOOD world that we consume every single day. So many consumers aren’t even in tune to any of that. I could get off into the weeds in that, but you can just go to the Cured quality control section of our website that has ALL the test results – has the residual solvents that would come from any extraction process; the pesticides that would come from the cultivation; the absence of heavy metals, which might come from the ground if it’s cultivated in a place that has anything there; the purity of the products – that due diligence takes a lot of time, effort, and money, reduces our margins, but that’s something we’ve done because as a very new and emerging industry, if you’re not bringing the highest quality product into the consumer’s hands, you’re not going to create a valuable and viable, sustainable industry. Great, it works for calming, but there’s a bunch of other shit in it that’s coming out of the ground that people aren’t looking into these companies of what is actually in their extracts. So, okay, it’s like oh, I smoke, but I also run everyday, so it’s cool. Like, it doesn’t work that way, so that’s something we spend a lot of time on too, and something that we can dive super deep into, so I won’t do that here.

Chase: [58:28] Yeah, I think – I was saying originally – the ability, in part, thanks to the variety of products that Cured Nutrition has, and pill, or capsuled, gel cap, oil, various oils, the dog treats, all this, spices… again, going way back to the beginning, what are the chances that I have something that’s going to reduce the barrier of entry for somebody to want to to try this, which is just business smarts 101, is great. But that allowed me to really strategically think ahead, you know, anyone trying to take better control of their health and the wellness, you try to do your best and plan ahead and travel and packing with food or food logging days ahead, or whatever. I know I have this coming up where Tuesdays, Wednesdays are my heavy podcast days, or I’m going to be traveling and I need like, I want a pill or I want an oil – and just knowing what I had coming down the line, and having done the due diligence of seeing what this did for me and what application and what it could do for me and others, the strategic dosing and the strategic timing, strategic application overall, has really… and, I love you man, it’s been great getting to know you, I love the products, but like – no bias here – it has been a game changer for me. And again, I don’t care if you’re a podcaster, I don’t care if you run your own business, I don’t care if you go in everyday and punch a timecard – again, if you’re a human being, this is a game changer.

Joe: [59:57] That’s what I was just going to say.

Chase: [1:00:00] Life’s stressors, our own stressors, the voice inside of our head, our lack of sleep, great sleep, hard ass workout, no workout, underweight, overweight, job, kids, relationships – we all have these things in our life. Now the ability to take different forms and different doses at different times – and I’m also a believer, this may be getting off tangent, I’m a believer… there is such thing as a placebo effect. I think the human vibration and the human psyche, and how we experience things, more importantly, how we FEEL when we experience things, it lays down a different neuro-pathway; it lays down a sensation, a feeling, a stressor, a positive dopamine response. How you feel and who you’re around when you’re going through something is a game changer. Now when I’m able to know that I have certain sensations and feelings coming up, and I can better control that, this application, it has just been a game changer. When I’m hopping on an interview – aka, when you’re going into a meeting – when you just have speaking a lot, when you just have to be ON.

Joe: [1:01:12] When you’re going into the office.

Chase: [01:01:14] When it’s going to be physically and mentally-

Joe: [01:01:15] Take a test.

Chase: [01:01:16] -taxing. You’re a student studying for the SATs. When you’re in finals, whatever. I think a lot of people don’t give enough credit to the amount of mental metabolic rate you’re burning so many times. I mean, your brain just existing is accountable for about a quarter of your total caloric expenditure each day. And it’s just sitting there. It’s just sitting there. I mean, it’s controlling your entire body. But a quarter – 25%.

Joe: [01:01:44] It’s not moving. You can’t see it moving.

Chase: [01:01:46] And that’s before you ever start thinking. That’s before you’re running through your to-do list or your schedule, interview questions, all these things. So it noticeably, no bias, hands down, I – almost to the effect of where I feel like I’m in slow motion – where I know I’m so calm and relaxed and focused, and I have clarity in what I’m thinking therefore translates better when I’m speaking it, but it’s like, I can even have an out-of-body kind of experience, like wow Chase, look at you. You are so calm, you are so responsive and attentive to the situation, and like wow, that was a good sentence. It’s almost to that level.

Joe: [01:22:22] That’s really interesting. I would completely agree and I was… I had been taking it before podcasts for a very long time and I wasn’t attributing all of it to that, but it has a massive effect, which is… it’s not like this overwhelming effect that we were trying to communicate. It works, but… it’s very, very… it’s kind of like sly, like I feel just a little bit more balanced.

Chase: [01:03:02] This is total anecdotal, like I was saying, those sensations, how you feel, and the psyche going into situations, like almost – I will say, personally speaking – it is at the point now to where I know if I take it, it will help me physiologically in this way, like just how I feel and thinking, but alright, this is how I NEED to feel. Or this is what I want to accomplish in this next interview, or task, or errand, or maybe I just want to sit and think. It takes a little bit more work to do this, but if you just take the time to think alright, what is my GOAL in this experience; let me take some personal inventory here – what’s my stress level, what’s my sleep level, how am I feeling, how does that goal sound to me, does it scare the shit out of me or do I feel like I’m confident, I can tackle it. Once I can really look at what is my task, where’s MY state of being, and is there a big gap in between those two, then I feel like I can then take CBD and that helps me get closer to that goal. It’s like – it’s whatever you need it to be.

Joe: [01:04:10] That’s a good way to put it.

Chase: [01:04:12] Being calm and focused so that you can better mentally and physically prepare for that task at hand.

Joe: [01:04:16] Yeah. Man, I think we dove pretty deep into experience and kind of the entry level into Cured and why it’s worth trying, but why there’s a lot of thoughts out there that maybe should be reconsidered. If there’s something that’s holding you back and, like we said there kind of mid-podcast, there’s not really noticeable side effects, negative side effects that we’re seeing right now; overdosing is not a concern. It’s very, very safe. It’s not going to get you high. We have another podcast out there with the psychiatrist Dr. Hyla Cass that was extremely informational, that if you want to understand more and more of a medicinal, heavily medicinal word, as now we’re just kind of talking life, human, optimization, that’s a great podcast to listen to. I think the kind of general summary of this podcast and what we’re trying to convey is that it’s definitely worth a try, there’s a lot to be educated on, and it’s, at the end of the day, if it’s helping you stop take, or use as much ibuprofen daily, or anything else that may be effecting you in a negative way or that is synthetically produced, it’s worth a try. It’s definitely worth a try. It’s one of the most natural things that you can use, and it’s extremely safe. And there are a lot of good companies out there leading the way, but make sure as a consumer to do your research, make sure you’re educated, make sure you’re asking the right questions because the right company should reach back out and answer those questions for you.

Chase: [01:06:00] I’ll echo that strongly. You – in this day and age of modern technology and… the ability and ease and validity of the technology and information that we have now, there’s no reason why you should not make an educated purchase, as well as an educated decision.

Joe: [01:06:17] Yeah. I think a lot more here to come. There’s a lot of tangents that I could have gone off on, from a quality control standpoint when it comes to testing, purity, and all that good stuff, but this is a great intro, or just kind of refresher, to why Cured exists, why cannabinoid and CBD, specifically, products are becoming so popular, and how to get yourself started.

Chase: [01:06:43] Yeah, just start. Figure it out for yourself and then you can decide. That’s what I’ve been doing – and thanks again to you guys – the continuous applications and education… it’s very, very helpful.

Joe: [01:06:59] Yeah. Appreciate it, dude.

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CC 014: Take Control of Your Life by Taking Responsibility for It with Austin Current

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